How to consume?

What do I do my bone broth?

We like to drink a mug of it, just like you would coffee or tea. In fact, a warm cup of broth is a great way to start your morning—try drinking 8 ounces a day, every day. Of course, you can use it in recipes wherever it calls for broth or stock, or turn it into a base for your favorite soup.

How to use bone broth?

Drinking bone broth is the most common way to enjoy this nutritious beverage, but there are plenty of other options to help get in your daily dose. We believe it is best enjoyed simply warmed and sipped from a mug, but it can be used as a hero ingredient to enhance any dish. You can add it to soup, or mix it into risottos and stews. It can be taken between meals to fill a hunger gap or instead of tea and coffee as a caffeine free alternative. You can even add it to smoothies for a natural protein packed boost.

How to store bone broth

Keep chilled.
If refrigerated, the bone broth will last up to 5 days.
If frozen, it will last up to 3 months.
Once opened, consume within 24 hours.
If frozen, thaw in fridge before consuming.

Why consume bone broth?

It’s simply delicious and mega nutritious! Bone Broth is a foundational health food: it’s a low calorie gut health essential, an immune system booster and a great source of protein, collagen and amino acids - a nutritional powerhouse to make you feel great. It is a great support for many diets including Keto (low carb), Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, 5:2, and Whole 30.

About our product

Does the vegan broth contain collagen?

Collagen comes from gelatin and is mostly found in animal connective tissue, therefore our organic vegetable and herb broth does not contain collagen.
It is still very nourishing however, and perfect for vegetarians!

What kind of nutritional benefits does bone broth offer?

Bone broth is a source of minerals, like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium, in forms that your body can easily absorb. It’s also rich in glycine and proline, amino acids not found in significant amounts in muscle meat (the vast majority of the meat we consume). It also contains chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine, the compounds sold as supplements to reduce inflammation, arthritis, and joint pain. Finally, “soup bones” include collagen, a protein found in connective tissue of vertebrate animals, which is abundant in bone, marrow, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. (The breakdown of collagen in bone broths is what produces gelatin.)

What are the benefits of consuming a properly prepared bone broth?

Proline and glycine are important for a healthy gut and digestion, muscle repair and growth, a balanced nervous system, and strong immune system. In fact, a study of chicken broth conducted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that the amino acids that were produced when making chicken stock reduced inflammation in the respiratory system and improved digestion. (There’s a reason your mom always made you chicken soup when you were sick.)
The gelatin in bone broth can help to heal a leaky gut, which may be of specific benefit those with inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. These compounds also reduce joint pain, reduce inflammation, prevent bone loss, and build healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Can I just buy broth from the grocery store?

Nope. Broth (often labelled “stock”) from the grocery store relies on high temperature, fast-cooking techniques, which result in a watered down, non-gelling liquid, so you’re missing out on some of the benefits of a gelatin-rich broth. In addition, unnatural additives (like MSG) and flavors are often added. If you just need a small amount for a recipe, store-bought stuff will do, but if you’re interested in the healing properties of bone broth, you have to make it yourself.

Why do you add vinegar to the broth?

Adding an acid (like lemon juice or vinegar) will help to extract minerals from the bones.

Use a mild-flavored vinegar, like apple cider or rice wine, as white vinegar may taste too harsh in a mellow broth.

Why does my broth look so jiggly?

That’s the gelatin—when cool, it makes your broth look a little like meat Jell-O. No worries—just heat it gently on the stovetop and it will return to a liquid state.

Is bone broth suitable for children/babies?

We certainly give it to our children to help boost their nutritional intake, and they love it! Our bone broth isn’t made with any salt at all, so it is safe for babies! Additionally, we also give pink himalayan salt on the side to our customers.

Is the broth halal/kosher?

Unfortunately our broths are not halal/kosher now.

Fast with Revatlize

Types of bone broth fast?

  1. 24 hours- Trial fast
  2. 48 hours- Gut Health and Ketosis

Pre-fasting guidelines

These are recommended guidelines to ensure that your body has time to transition to the fast, so that you can enjoy a successful fast.

3 days before the fast:

  1. Eliminate refined sugar from your diet
  2. Avoid refined carbs e.g. white bread, pasta, white rice
  3. Prioritize high quality protein sources, eg fish
  4. Consume greens, sour fruits, good fats and fish
  5. Hydrate

How much broth should I consume daily?

Ideally you should consume 1l of broth daily, so if you’ve purchased 1l ones, you may choose to split this up into 3 bigger meals, or 5-6 smaller meals in a day.

Otherwise, our daily broths (350ml) would be more than enough for 1 meal.

What to do when fasting?

  1. Remember to hydrate!
  2. Avoid strenuous activity
  3. Try to schedule this over a weekend so that your body has enough time to rest and you’re not stressed


Delivery Cost

Free Delivery for orders of $80 and above. We charge $10 delivery fee for orders below $80. Additional charges will apply to addresses in Sentosa.

Delivery Timings

We delivered on every Monday and Tuesday

What if I am not home?

As the broths are made fresh, it is vital that someone is at home to receive the broth and place it into the refrigerator/freezer for storage.

Why not more deliveries?

We are still optimizing our delivery and production schedules, all broths are produced during the weekend